Our BusinessThailand Support for commercialization of asphalt pavement recycling business

Subject Thailand Support for commercialization of asphalt pavement recycling business
Ordered by N/A
Project Duration Sep-2016 to Mar-2018

Support for research on deregulation, system development, and demonstration projects, and discussions with government officials for the realization of the business in the target country

For a business then considering entrance into the Thai market, Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd provided support to said business in conducting surveys and discussions on deregulation, system development, and demonstration projects in Thailand. All of which eventually contributed to the realization of the business in the target country.

Specifically, we conducted market research, demand forecasting, feasibility studies, surveys on environmental regulations and other legal systems, while working alongside the project owner to demonstrate the advantages of introducing a construction recycling system to the Thai Ministry of Transport's Road Department. Furthermore, we supported the commercialization of the "Asphalt Pavement Recycling Project in Thailand" by means of providing concrete proposals for deregulation, institutional establishment, and demonstration projects.

Pacific Consultants boasts an extensive track record in Japan and overseas as a pioneer in comprehensive construction consulting. Our consultants are ready to respond extensively based on the latest information to any questions from order placement representatives.

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