
Top Commitment

Toward a Sustainable Society

A group with a strong will to envision a brighter future and to turn the visions into reality:That is the Pacific Consultants Group.

Since our foundation in 1951, we have been contributing to building a sustainable society, as our mission, through business activities with infrastructure engineering being our backbone.

Today, the world is constantly changing at a dizzying pace. Amid emerging new technologies, ideas, and concepts, we continue to challenge ourselves to bring new values and transform our world.

Pacific Consultants Group affirms our commitment to creating a sustainable future by engaging in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) management. We aim to drive change and innovation, contributing to a more sustainable world.

To realize an affluent life without disparity, where no one in the world is threatened.
To protect our beautiful planet, the source of all life, and its environment, and passing it on to future generations.
Our group’s mission is to achieve a sustainable society with these two goals by tackling the challenges together with our diverse partners.

Let us build a brighter future for generations to come.

Osamu Omoto
President and Representative Director
January 2024

Pacific Consultants Group Human Rights Policy

This policy applies to all companies, officers, and employees within the Pacific Consultants Group.
We also expect our business partners to understand and comply with this policy, to ensure that human rights are respected.

Basic Principles

We shall comply with the laws, regulations, and international norms concerning human rights and abide by the following principles.

  1. Appreciate diversity and treat all people respectfully.
  2. Not tolerate workplace discrimination or harassment.
  3. Promote the health and safety of all employees.
  4. Prohibit the use of forced labor, child labor, and other exploitative labor practices.
  5. Respect and protect personal privacy.

Human Rights Efforts

We shall strive to minimize any adverse human rights impacts that may arise through our corporate activities.
In the event that any of our activities cause adverse human rights impacts, we will strive to correct and redress the situation, and make remedial efforts.

We shall

  1. Conduct human rights due diligence.
  2. Conduct human rights training and education.
  3. Practice Health Statement and a Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Policy
  4. Operate a human rights help desk.

CSR of Pacific Consultants

The CSR activities of Pacific Consultants are based on the corporate philosophy and the long term corporate vision. We promote proactive CSR activities.

CSR Activity Policy
  • Each employee contributes to society by creating excellent value through the work itself.
  • We proactively perform social contribution activities as a corporate citizen by leveraging our professions and contributing to the realization of a secure and propserous society.
  • We strive for the creation of a fair and conducive workplace so that each employee can take pride as a member of society and work with a smile on his or her face.

CSR of Pacific Consultants

Diversity Management

We celebrate individual differences in age, sex, lifestyle, nationality, career, religion, role, sense of value, ideas, etc., and promote "diversity management" that embraces the inclusion and diversity as a strength and a mean for providing various values.

"Diversity management" is one of the two pillars of our Long Term Vision 2030. The "Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Policy" was established on October 2015 for the realization of the Long Term Vision 2030.

D&I 2020 Vision

A workplace that leverages various individual skills and sensibilities so that each member can respond energetically to the requirements of society as consultants and as service providers

Goals to Achieve the Vision

  1. Foster the D&I environment and culture.
  2. Secure various personnel and respect and utilize the individuality. (fair)
  3. Build a workplace where the employee can stay true to himself/herself and work energetically. (care)

Establish a promotion system with in-house D&I promotion project team to serve as a function to connect the raising of the awareness of the organization and building of a system from the top-down with the changing of awareness and behavior of each employee from the bottom-up, and put D&I into practice throughout the company.